Originally Posted by Daoust
I really really do think we live in a frightening world when fully functional, supposedly rational thinking human beings can justify statutory rape. And above all, to use the 'you weren't there so you can't have an opinion' argument. For the love of all things holy...!
I am a teacher. I will be honest. I can understand the temptation to enter into a sexual relationship with a student. I have been there. I taught 14 year olds. I'm human just like everyone else. Sexually, I may be a little messed up, or at least I think I am, because I have entertained the idea of having sex with one of my students. But I know I would never go through with it. Why? Because I have morals. Because I believe that having sex with a 14 year old girl is to take advantage of her, someone who no doubt is not fully in control of their emotions, or who cannot think rationally about sex at that age. You can argue that point to death, but it's how I feel. I think that to have sex with a minor is rape. I don't care how 'consentual' it is.
Yup. Half my teaching schedule is 12-15 year old girls and believe me, my professionalism will never be compromised by me becoming self absorbed and enamoured with one of them, ever. And some of them could pass for 18 or 19 but still, the moral compass never deflects from the fact that they are young girls.
" In Canada, you can tell the most blatant lie in a calm voice, and people will believe you over someone who's a little passionate about the truth." David Warren, Western Standard.