I am dyslexic and I have spent a goodly portion on the 23 years of my life working through it. When I was in 2nd grade my teacher wanted me taken out of class in put in with the mentally and physically challenged kids. She told my parents this because she did not have the time to teach. My parents fought all year with this wicked woman. When I got to the 3rd grade my teacher recommended getting a tutor to help me work through my issues. It was not until I started using computer in 6th grade that things started to get better. I learned how to type (the wrong way) fairly well. It is still a daily struggle to read and write. I write this in Office just so I have spell checker.
It can be really hard for dyslexic. While you calm that 99% of bad posts are because the poster is lazy is all well and good….85% of all statistics are made up on the stop. I have no dout that some posts are due to laziness. However, many people are unable to find there own mistakes when proof reading something they wrote. They know what they meant to say; so when they reread something they wrote they are likely to make mistakes.
If you are not outraged than you are not paying attention!
"Reality has a well-known liberal bias" - Steven Colbert