I had the exact same problem with our son (right around the same age as yours).
The problem: He was hungry and the bottle wasn't doing it for him anymore. It just wouldn't provide enough nurishment to sustain him for a decent length of time (he is/was a big kid and continues to grow rapidly).
The act of feeding naturally drains the energy of the child, so they get tired after awhile, full or not. If they get tired and didn't eat enough to be really "full", they will wake back up sooner because they are hungry.
Our solution: Adding solid foods to the diet. We still did the bottle, but we added a bowl of baby cereal twice a day (morning and evening). I thought he was too young for it, but even our doctor (who also had a similar problem) agreed. Sure enough, after a few days, he took right to the cereal.
Almost immediately, he started sleeping longer. Shortly thereafter, he quit taking the bottle and was only on solid foods. It was his choice, he didn't want the bottle, he wanted his cereal.
We then added vitamins and cottage cheese to his diet to substitute for the stuff he wasn't getting anymore from the formula.
All of this occured with the blessing of the family doc. He is now a big, strapping 3 year-old, who still eats us out of house and home.