I think at some point in time, everyone will have their heart broken. I did, and at that time I thought I would never get over it. It was the worst kind of pain, not understanding why I was rejected. Not knowing what was wrong with me. It seemed like it would go on forever, but slowly, without me even realizing it at first, things got better. And slowly, I was healing. And slowly, I started to like other people (not in a rebound way). And then one day I realized that I was happy again. And it was a good feeling. Now I am in love again, with someone who loves me for me. The important thing to remember is that while it hurts to get your heart broken, it just means that that person wasn't right for you. You shouldn't blame yourself. And you shouldn't let people make you think it isn't a big deal. You just need to accept it and start to recover. And remember that at least you can always talk to us here on TFP