OK, if you believe adolescents can engage in "mature" or "adult" sexual relationships, at what age do you believe they cannot?
If not 16, how about 14? Maybe 12?
What the hell, let's say 10?
The point is, any and all legal cut-off points are, by definition, arbitrary and artificial. But a legal cut-off point there must be.
In most Western societies this age is 16.
Any sexual relationship with someone under that age is legally rape. You can argue how "this particular tennager" or "that very mature boy" or "that coquettish 14 girl" are different as much as you like. But the law cannot, and indeed should not, take that into account. To do so would erode the whole basis upon which modern society and laws are based; common acceptance of social mores and standards defined and regulated through the existence of laws.
Now you know me and that I'm no lawyer. I have not studied the law like you, so you may have a legal retort to my position.
But the fact remains that this girl was raped. The law stipulates that it cannot have been consensual, no matter how much anyone claims it to be, due to what is considered their immature understanding of what is right and wrong. They are deemed incapable of making a mature consenual decision.
Add to this the fact that a teacher abused this child and the case gets worse. I won't even go there, as I get rather hot under the collar when child sexual abuse (and this is what it is, both morally and legally) are defended.
Mr Mephisto
PS - When you coming Down Under? I owe you and your missus a few beers!