Originally Posted by filtherton
In fact, i would like to ask you if you personally know anyone involved. Do you know this girl, or her teacher? Do you know the extent of either party's emotional intelligence? Do you know anything about this situation besides what it written in this article? No? I don't either. It is a little too early to pull the "oh that poor girl is going to be fucked up for life" card. If she's like most people i know, she's probably embarrased as fuck that she broke into international fame under these circumstances, and she no doubt doesn't need or want any of our pity.
Do you see the hypocracy in your statement above?
I do.
On one hand you ask provocative, semi-rhetorical questions about whether I know her. You then go on and state what
you think she "no doubt" needs or wants.
A personal friend of mine was sexually abused by a teacher. It's not fun, it's not nice and it's certainly not "just sex".
Mr Mephisto