Sounds a lot like the Tesla "Death" Ray. It's really amazing how ahead of time Tesla was in the areas of physics and engineering, specifically in dealing with high voltage alternting currents.
Scientists believe that the Tesla Ray was a focused beam of energy. I'll explain.
There are three means (if not more) of directly transmitting electrical energy from one location to a remote location in a "wireless" fashion:
1. The broadcasting of electromagnetic waves from point A to point B - where those waves excite atoms to produce electricity. This method is feasible for power transmission and weapons applications, but unfortunately is impractical to technology except in the microwave region of the spectrum. Tesla's experiment, being primarlly alternator-based and not using any solid-state components, could not have reached a high enough frequency by orders of magnitude to transmit microwave band energy. So that's a no.
2. Direct-current transmission of energy from source to target. This is the principle of particle accelerators - the electrons or other particles are moved in a linear fashion through the accelerator, to be directed at a target. This method of wireless transmission was also impractical to Tesla, because it requires a mechanical arrangment that is monumentally expensive, complicated, and energy-consumptive, and and produces a beam that is unfocusable, easily distorted and dissapated, and has an effective distance measured in feet, not miles.
3 Alternating current transmission of power - the longitudinal wave interference device. An alternating current at a high voltage - such as those that Tesla worked on in his career (was my hint too obvious?) - could be a means of providing transmission of power between remote locations with substantially smaller losses. Alternating atmospheric currrents, however, have several drawbacks - including the fact that they are inherently unfocused in nature. The possible solutions to this problem will be discussed below.
There are a few various possibilities for the transmission of power, and Tesla probably entertained them all. The real problem, of course, was simply how to get the electricity to point b. Tesla wouldn't have even cared if it came from point a, which brings two choices to mind. Firstly, the transmission of power from point a to point b requires a few things. Since electricity moves from a point with a high potential to a point with a low - or opposite - potential, it was in Tesla's best interests to have the target point b at a lower electrical potential than the surrounding environment - otherwise the electrons would get lost after only a few feet. Tesla would have considered this potential difference to be the only thing of any import to the transmission of power, and hence, why move the electricity from point a at all - simply make point b a lower potential than it's surrounding environment.
Tesla would have wanted a device that could create a positive potential around the target object. Once that target was ionized to a high enough voltage, electrons from the surrounding environment would simply flood into the target due to electrostatic attraction. Once he had created a device that could positively ionize an object at a distance, he simply had to arrange a terminal at point a with a high opposite potential to supply electrons, which would then literally be pulled to the target source. Aparently, the easiest way to do this also tends to focus the beam of electrons, creating a direct bolt of lightning from point a to point b (pretty cool, eh?).
The Weapon
Tesla's "Death" Ray lies somewhere inbetween wave mechanics and electrical engineering - and is thus easily missed by the increasingly specialized numbers of scientists and technicians in the world today. He basically used a Fresnal Lens to focus a 'longitudinal wave', hence creating a focused electrostatic potential at the target. This 'fresnel' effect is also responsible for focusing of the subsequent electron beam from point a to point b.
Tesla's concept used longitudinal waves - which are not really waves at all. Longitudinal waves correspond to cariations in electrostatic potential - such as those produced by an AC curent traveling through the atmosphere. Longitudinal electrical waves can be focused with a fresnel lense like ordinary waves, meaning that the wave amplitudes add at the focal point - hence, the environment recieves a theoretical potential of -15 volts, and the target recieves -30 volts. A multizoned fresnel lens would undoubtedly increase this focal potential a great deal more than a single zoned lens, but a single zoned lens has an infinite number of focal points at regularly spaced intervals, whereas a muntizoned lens has only one.
It's not really ana EM weapon, it's electrostatic, but I figured it's what you're looking for.