the fly that dropped six inches.
one day this fly was buzzing along six inches above a stream when a fish in the stream noticed this and thought "if that fly would just drop six inches, i could jump up and get me that fly"
on shore a bear was watching this and thought to himself "hmm, if that fly would drop six inches... the fish would go for the fly and i'd get myself that fish"
there was a hunter watching all this and he said to himself "know what? if that fly would drop just six inches... the fish would go for the fly, the bear would go for the fish and i'd get me that bear"
now the hunter had a sandwich sitting next to him, his lunch for later on, and there was a mouse watching all this and he thought to himself.. "if that fly would just drop six inches, the fish would go for the fly, the bear would go for the fish, the hunter would shoot for the bear and i'd get me the cheese off that hunter's sandwich".
sitting on the ground next to the hunter's bench was a cat, who was also watching all this, and she thought to herself "hmm... if that fly would just drop six inches... the fish would go for the fly, the bear for the fish, the hunter for the bear, the mouse after the cheese and i'd get me some dinner"
suddenly, the fly dropped six inches, the fish jumped after the fly, the bear lunged for the fish, the hunter shot at the bear, startling the mouse who ran the opposite way and the cat fell into the water.
well, the moral of this story is... Everytime a fly drops 6 inches... a pussy gets wet.
she's the only one who knows what it is to burn...