I don't understand where the idea that these kids are going to be "fucked up for life" comes from. Or the idea that this is a horrible thing because these kids are going to be "fucked up for life". Everyday people suffer dramatic emotional trauma from experiences a lot more severe than fucking a teacher. Besides, it seems a little far fetched to me that having consensual, albeit taboo, sexual relations will fuck someone up for life. I would think that the most difficult aspect of this, from either of the participant's perspectives, is the fact that people who know nothing about you or your situation are playing monday morning quarterback with your life. The fact that any number of people who lack any sort of credentials, other than the ability to read or watch the evening news, can profess their pity and proclaim that you are any number of things ranging from an ignorant pagan to "fucked up for life". Save your pity folks, being judged by ignorant strangers is only going to make someone more "fucked up for life". If you really care about the plight of these people, you won't participate in the spectacle of dragging their sex lives through the public square.
I don't think a big deal should be made out of things like this, regardless of the genders of those involved. I don't think teachers who sleep with students should be allowed to teach. Beyond that, i think stories like this only make the rounds because they help the average citizen feel better about their own lives. It gives joe schmo something to feel morally superior about.