Originally Posted by StephenSa
I experienced something recently that I found so bizzare a concept that I just have to pass it on. I'm in the men's room, doing my business so to speak when I hear a familiar sound from the stall next to me. (No not THAT sound!) I hear the unmistakable sound of a hand reaching into and rummaging around in a bag of chips. I think, no, it can't be. Perhaps its just a newspaper or something and my imagination has....but no, just then I hear the unmistakable sound of potato chips being munched. Some nutter is eating and evacuating at the same time! WTF! I left before they emerged so never saw the culprit. Then the other day I saw a woman leaving the ladies room with an open tub of potato salad. Don't know if she ate in there or what her business may have been but an OPEN tub of potato salad? What sort of mad bizzaro world do I live in? Anyone else experience something like this? Am I nuts or is that just wrong?
This made me laugh pretty good
Originally Posted by Rdr4evr
The other day I went to the bathroom at my work (which is located outside because we are in a office) and some guy was at the urinal with his pants and underwear FULLY DOWN!!! taking a piss.....he didn't give a damn that someone might walk in and see his bare ass at the urinal. I wanted to use the bathroom but decided to just wash my hands and leave to to the downstairs bathroom....some people are just strange.
LOL! I'm sorry to have to resort to annoying acroynms, but LOL!
Originally Posted by Psycho Dad
Oh I've seen this shit. One day I was in the restroom at the urinal when I hear some commotion going on over towards the stalls. I looked over and from under the bottom of the stall door I could see an Igloo cooler and a hand reaching in and pulling out a sandwich. I made a point in waiting outside after I was done just to see who the fuck would want to have action on both ends of their digestive tract at the same time and the guy that came out didn't surprise me any. And for what it is worth, I've seen the same fucker headed back to the shitter with his igloo several time since that one. And as you can guess, the damn fool doesn't wash his hands afterwards either.
God damn it!

Oh the mental pictures that these stories paint ::clutches his moogle-ish sides as he laughs::
Originally Posted by smooth
well, I might as well admit it: I eat while shitting or pissing, too.
I don't quite see the big hubabaloo about it. As far as I'm concerned, the dirtiest thing is the faucet I touch to wash my hands afterward (I kick the flusher).
The way people are describing flying shit particles, I'm left wondering if you people are taking full body showers afterward. Otherwise, how do you stand all those particles all over your head, face, and clothes?
I've read those things too. I also read that you should wash your hands before your business, not after. My dick is pretty clean, my hands throughout the day less so, so that makes sense to me.
But anyway, it's not like I'm sticking my finger in my ass. And if I do happen to slip, I don't go sticking my shitty finger in my bag of chips! E. Coli is only dangerous if it's someone else's, BTW. Go ahead and eat poop particles--as long as they're your own! 
Well, I have a few problems with the idea of eating while taking a dump. First of all, doesn't your shit smell? The smell alone would keep me from eating in the bathroom to begin with, if I ever had the insane notion to do so. My second issue is the freaking noises it makes as it comes out. I don't want to hear that while I'm eating... seriously.
I find it interesting that you even know about e. coli and that it is only harmful if it is not your own. I still would not eat my own shit, though. And I always put the toilet seat down after I'm done, because according to the Myth Busters, shit particles fly out of the toilet and land on your toothbrush even after you flush.