God is actually an apple. I'm sorry to disappoint everyone who thought otherwise.
Religion, politics, anal probing by aliens... it's all the same thing.
Just live life, god damn it. (all irony intended)
There's like 10^(10^(10^(10^(10^(10))))) atoms in the universe, or something like that, so that means that you have like a 1/10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
chance of coming into existence. How the FUCK can you not be grateful for that? Even if you have a shitty life, appreciate it, damn it, because at least you *have* life.
What's my point? I dunno. God or no God, you're alive.
The most important thing in this world is love.
Last edited by Stiltzkin; 12-07-2004 at 01:58 PM..