Originally Posted by stevo22
Like I said. Some crazy family from cal gets switched with some half way normal family from somewhere else. like tennessee. What the hell is up with these nut-jobs from california this time? they dont wear shoes or own furnature, but they speak chinese fluently because papa thinks the chinese will rule the world in the next century? is that the 21st or 22nd century? I think I know what the new mom is going to spent the 50grand on. How about some furnature, a TV, some shoes, and a shower curtain.
Why are all the freaks on this show from california? maybe someone from out west can answer this. Is it that you guys have a higher concentration of wackos than the other 49 states or do they just rise to the top out there for some reason? What do you guys do about it? do you have parts of the city where you don't go because thats where all the crazies live? Or does fox just do a really good job at finding the few extremely crazy people out there. I don't know. It does make for some good television though.
The last episode, both families were from Colorado. It was pretty good