Originally Posted by bendsley
In reality, Maya can take full advantage of video pipelining, and many other features that come on higher end cards.
If you're really looking into doing some serious Maya work, I might recommend:
Nvidia Quadro FX 4000 and 4400 (nvidia)
Wildcat Realizm 800 (3dlabs)
FireGL V7100 (ati)
The cards I listed are considered "Ultra High End", and they will run you up to around $7000.
Thanks everyone, yeah it does take a lot of ram as well, im thinking of getting 2 gigs of ram, but 1 gig at the least. the computers at my school have 1 gig, but some of my work is so complex that after 15 minutes of editing in wireframe, the comp starts swaping and then crashed after close to a gig has swapped.
as for video cards, I was looking at the fire gls and the quadro fx, but do not want to spend that much $ $1000 is even a lot to me. comp animation is a hobby that I would like to do more of at home, but I cant afford a $7000 dollar card. also, I heard that you can get some non professional cards, change the bios, and they will be on par with the professionals. does anyone know about this? thanks for the replys