Ok -- First off - -that purple text is really hard to read... Now...
Stand up.
Shoulders back.
Take a deep breath and hold it for 3 counts.
Repeat after me.
I am not a loser. (You, not me)
It's his freakin' loss for not realizing what a great chick I am. (you, not me)
He clearly is an idiot for not realizing this,and I don't need an idiot in my life (You, not me)
I am .... (insert 5 positive things about yourself here -- go on -- do it -- we'll wait)
I am worth someone treating me the way I deserve to be treated (you, not me)
OK, you can sit down now
Now, go have a chocolate brownie, and a glass of cold milk and remember that life will go on... broken hearts heal... You are a special person and not a loser... at all... no fella is worth tears or beating yourself up over... there are enough people in this world who are willing to beat you up over stupid shit, you gotta love yourself more than anyone.
Free your heart from hatred. Free your mind from worries. Live simply. Give more. Expect less.