Originally Posted by crackprogram
Ok, here goes...
I have DSL, that comes in through a DLS modem. It is going into a 5 port switch, then out to two computers that connect fine. I run a line from that switch into a router, setup with DHCP that I want to connect 2 more computers to. That router hands out IP addresses to the 2 new computers, and takes it's own IP address from the DSL modem. I can only get one of the two new computers to connect at a time. It seems like when one of the two new computers gets it's IP address from the router (set up to give out it does not connect to the internet, but when I have the router acting like a hub, the the computers connect through it to the Modem, they connect to the internet just fine. Is there a setting in the Linksys Etherfast/DSL router that I need to set to make the router talk to the modem, and have the connection shared out to the computers? If ya need any more specifics, let me know.
Although others have reccommend you change your configuration, you should not need to. Your computers should run fine in the confiuration you have them. In the router, there should be a section where you can put in the default gateway and the DNS server info. Make sure this information is correct. If you don't have the default gateway set up, the 2 new computers won't know where to go to access the internet.
Go to one of the old computers that is connected directly to the switch, from a DOS prmopt type winipcfg (Windows 9x/me, you will need to click the more info button) or ipconfig /all (windows nt, 2000, xp). Write down the default gateway and the DNS Servers. Go to one of the computers that is not working and run the appropriate ipconfig utility. Check the default gateway and DNS servers to see if they are the same. If not you will need to set this up in the router. If they are, let us know and we can go from there.