Saskatoon, where I live, is the real clashing point in Saskatchewan between the Native north and the White south. On a daily basis I see the racial stereotypes and the legacy of an injured people, because that is really what we're dealing with.
Consider: Your entire means of survival is stripped away from you - every grocery store in the land is closed down - and you are defeated by a technologically superior people - let's imagine them as Kang and Kodos. Then they tell you everything you believe religiously, the spirituality of the natural world, is wrong. Then they take your children away from you and raise them in institutional settings, preventing them from having any connection to the culture to which they should rightly belong, and are even punished for speaking their own language, the language of you and your entire family. Oh, and while they're at it, they've killed more than half of your extended family with disease or other means (remember, no more groceries stores, getting hungry aintcha?), and got a good portion of the rest all farked up on an intoxicant your body is less-able to properly process and remove. Now tell me, what will the cultural legacy be? Where will your people be in 100 years?
This I believe is the proper context in which we must view the whites treatment of the aboriginal population of North America - crimes against humanity. So next time you're apt to make a quick judgement about those "drunk indians" give it real second thought..
Meh.. I hate stupid white people.
/white guy