30 - age
US - country of residence
Home Day Care Provider - occupation
Female - sex
1. Do you own a knife that you carry on your person? Yes - Not on my person but in my purse so I still always have it with me.
a. If so what type, and what uses does it provide you?
It's a small stainless steel pocket knife with about 4 options on it. EDIT: (After closer inspection it has 6 options but two of which I rarely use. It has knife, scissors, phillips screwdriver, straight edge screwdriver, corkscrew, can opener. I've only used the corkscrew and can opener's once each. I could do without them even. I do like the design and grip on the handle so won't be trading it in for a different one unless it's the same design.)
The small scissors I've used to cut out coupons in the grocery store. I've used the knife itself to open boxes or packages. I've used the scissors to cut threads when I've repaired an article of clothing (this is mostly when I'm traveling) and I've used the screwdriver end of one of the options to open the back of a toy (in travel) and replace the batteries and I've used the screwdrivers for many other things. I find that I actually use it fairly often.
2. What are the positives about your particular brand, style and shape of your knife? (material, wieght, form, etc)
Small - fits in the palm of my hand
It has three rubber stripes on each side where you fingers end up when it's open. Makes it easy to hold and use.
It's not too heavy and has mainly the options that I would use.
3. what problems do you face with your knife, what would you change if you could about your knife? It does not have a tweezer as some swiss army knives have and I would like to have that. I have needed that option on more than one occaision.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.
Last edited by raeanna74; 12-07-2004 at 12:57 PM..