I'm not saying that the goal of being like us is worthy or even right. I don't think we should make it our mandate or and I don't believe we should even think that it would be a good thing if they were like us. I just think that some people don't understand why the natives don't want to assimilate into our culture, when on the outset it appears that there are many things within our culture (education, medical help for addictions, employment, etc) that would benefit them greatly. I understand that the natives don't want those things. They don't want to become dependent on the white mans interventions. Part of me wishes they would at least make an effort however, because at the current rate it appears to me that the First Nations people of Canada are continuing in a downward spiral. They already have very little in the way of respect from us, or care, or intervention. I think the majority of Canadians, if they were honest with themselves, would gladly let the Natives rot themselves into extinction. Most Canadians don't really know what is going on with the Natives, and most don't care. The only glimpses they get into Native life are generally very negative - stereotypes about alcoholism, abuse, dependency etc. These images help frame the collective consciousness of the non-native Canadians toward natives, and they have in turn perpetuated our views and understandings of natives...
I have faith in a few things - divinity and grace
But even when I'm on my knees I know the devil preys