Originally Posted by anleja
At the risk of being known as a VERY DISGUSTING HUMAN (but I guess it is okay considering no one here knows me in real life) I was eating a bowl of Frosted Flakes on the toilet... you know, like, late for work or something, you gotta do some multitasking (oh, and NEVER in a public restroom, I try not to breathe in those). But I had a mouthfull of flakes when I sneezed out of nowhere, causing Frosted Flake chunks to stick against the outside of my bathtub. Not exactly an image you'd see painted on the Sistine Chapel.
Now be glad you got to read this before I delete it out of shame.
oh shit, I should amend my earlier statement: I don't ever eat in public restrooms. Just my own house if I feel the need to.
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