This is a good article about why I will be employed for a very long time. Sofware reliability and how to improve it is the subject. In order to gain a full appreciation for the premise you should check out this linkie:
No Silver Bullet. If you are at all connected to the world of software development you should have a look at this.
This is an abstract:
There is something fundamentally wrong with the way we create software. This article describes a silver bullet solution to the problem of software reliability and productivity. The solution requires a fundamental change in the way we program our computers. I will argue that the main reason that software is so unreliable and so hard to produce has to do with a custom that is as old as the computer: the practice of using the algorithm as the basis of software construction. I will argue further that moving to a pure signal-based, synchronous software model will result in at least an order of magnitude improvement in both reliability and productivity.