1) Have you ever been cheated on (that you know of)? Yes
2) If so, by how many different people (that you know of)? 2
3) Have you ever cheated? No
4) If so (for #4), how many different people did you cheat on? 0
5) How many of these occured in a serious relationship? 1
Unless you marry the first person you date, I think it is almost inevitable that you'll experience cheating. Think about it, if we each date 5 people before we get married, then only one in 5 has to be a cheater for the experience to be universal (assuming that cheating is a habitual action, which my observation supports). It sucks, but it makes trust a deliberate choice - and it is very wonderful when you can feel confidant in that choice.
Cogito ergo spud -- I think, therefore I yam