1) Have you ever been cheated on (that you know of)? yep
2) If so, by how many different people (that you know of)? 2
3) Have you ever cheated? yes
4) If so (for #4), how many different people did you cheat on? 1
5) How many of these occured in a serious relationship? I was cheated on by my 'first love.' we were dating for about six months already she she decided to get down with a senior in high school (we were freshmen). I really thought I loved her, it turned out different after I looked at the situation when it was long since over with. and my cheating experience was from one bad situation to another. I had a girlfriend I pretty much didn't care about because I was just with her because I wanted companionship and I ended up cheating on her and eventually leaving her for another girl who I didn't care about either.
A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools.
-Douglas Adams