I love this quote. I have posted it here several times already.
"In our every deliberation we must consider the impact of our decisions on the next seven generations."
-Great Law of the Iroquois Confederacy.
It is a very wise law, and would benefit any society to abide by it.
There are plenty of arguments against DU, Proven arguments. Arguments that state that DU kills through poisoning, it has a halflife of 4.5 million years. It is wrong to use. We don't need it because there are substituties. Despite they being more expensive, they should be used.
The arguments FOR DU is, we want to use it.
Arguments for cost are heartless
Arguments that there ARE no suitable replacements are wrong. Go ask the f-ing Germans how to produce a replacement.
You want proof that DU is dangerous? Submit to a forced inhalation of a miligram of DU dust. If in your heart, you can't bring yourself to say you would do that, then
goddamn it why continue to use/support the use of something that you can't bring yourself to put upon yourself. What we are doing is subjecting nations for the future of civilization unknown lifelong suffering.
* don't know what this stuff does. When it is sufficiently proven to you and the unbelieving world, what will your reaction be? Ooh, our bad, we didn't know. Sorry you have to live with that suffering now.
By then it's too late and your past damns you.
We are too shortsighted of a people. Bullshit like this shows that as a society we are unworthy stewards of our childrens inheritance.