Originally Posted by iamnormal
How is it that makeing war a nicer thing to do going to help?
It shouldn't be nice. The pain of war should last for years and years. And then maybe we will get the idea.
"the only winning move is not to play."
So future generations should pay for our transgressions? The sins of the father should be taken out on the son?
How is that more civil than not having war? Because the above keeps the hatred that starts wars alive.
There are only 2 ways mankind will ever stop warring IMO:
1) an external force that brings us together to fight it or keeps us from warring (IE aliens, which if there are any probably refuse to contact us because they know that someone on Earth would use them to further their cause.... either to use their tech against others here or rally people to attack them (the aliens).... I don't see this as a possibility.
2) Mankind finds a miracle cure and alleviates greed, power lust and envy. Again I don't see it happening.