Originally Posted by The_Dunedan
As for Tungsten-Carbide; it's good stuff, but not as good as DU for punching holes in things. DU is heavier
wrong, the density of tungsten is higher.
Originally Posted by The_Dunedan
and unlike TC, it self-sharpens when it passes through an object: this is part of where the super-fine dust comes from. TC flattens out against a hard object, DU literally gets sharper as it punches through.
certain tungsten alloys have similar penetration abilities as DU. Like I said the new german ammunition has performed similar in mumerous tests.
and for the health problems, the biggest problem AFAIK is the ground water pollution:
"The most important concern is the potential for future groundwater contamination by corroding penetrators (ammunition tips made out of DU). The penetrators recovered by the UNEP team had decreased in mass by 10-15% due to corrosion. This rapid corrosion speed underlines the importance of monitoring the water quality at the DU sites on an annual basis."