Iain Banks - You must read the Wasp Factory. It created a sensation when it was first published. He has lots of great books. Strangely, under the name Iain M Banks (note the M), he publishes science fiction, which is also very good. But if you just like "normal" fiction, go with anything he has written under the name Iain Banks. The Wasp Factory, Canal Dreams, Broken Glass... all recommended.
James Ellroy - If you like Elmore Leonard, you'll love James Elroy. Author of the famous LA Quartet (the most famous of which was LA Confidential), he has also written some amazing crime novels such as American Tabloid and The Cold Six Thousand. Highly recommended.
I mostly read non-fiction, and some historical fiction, so that's about it. I don't think (by your original post) that you'd be interested in those.
Mr Mephisto