YOU WERE OFFERED $10 AN HOUR AND YOU DIDN'T TELL ME?! Okay, now that I've got that outta my system, I will try and look at this from an un-biased perspective and not from a girlfriend who would really like it if you made $10 an hour.
First we will go with why you should keep the job:
1. It is not that much of a commute. 25 minutes, that's how much I commute to my job.
2. They offered you more money. This means that they need you. This means YOU have some bargaining tools. Make some demands (in a respectful manner of course). You need more money because of the commute. You want to be treated with more respect (because god damn, you need that). You want to be a SHIFT manager. Tell Joe that if he wants you to stay, you want a name tag that says SHIFT manager before January.
3. You love to spend money. ANd you do spend A LOT of it. It is also rather difficult to find a job, especially one that will pay you around what you make now (or what you were offered). You have car payments, insurance payments, phone payments. And you like going out.
4. I don't like the idea of you living the "care-free" life and living completely unresponsibly. That may be because I do live the responsible life, and sometimes I feel that I'm not really living at all.
Okay, now onto reasons why you should quit:
1. You are unhappy. You know that your happiness means more to me than money and going out. I'd rather have you get me a card that has something sweet written on it or have you right me a song than have you buy me a movie or jewelry and have you be completely miserable earning that money. (although maybe you can improve your working conditions)
2. Most of the people you work with are complete fools. Some of the managers are horrendous. I think at least one person would love to hurt you. People suck
Okay...I guess that is all I have to say for now