Originally Posted by joeshoe
Depleted uranium may be a health risk, but so is everything in war. It would be great if no one needed bullets, but that's not going to happen anytime soon. The danger of DU radiation is miniscule compared to the danger of getting hit by a bullet, so I don't see why there should be an furor about the radiation.
I agree war is war and you're right there is no safety net for anything NOW in war. However, we should never punish those of the future for the transgressions of today. IE: what Agent Orange has done in Vietnam, what the A-Bombs did not only in Nagasaki and Hiroshima but in the lands where they and all nukes were tested that humans inhabited (IE the Nevada desert where it's rumored that at least one film crew that filmed a movie there had high cases of cancer and health problems as well as American Indians who had reservations nearby.)
IF we choose to defend these practices of using materials that destroy the land and cause future problems to the innocent who reside there after the war, then we can NEVER claim as we do now that we fight this war against "injustice and in the name of freedom". Especially when the need does not warrant the use for such materials.
For we are not giving freedom to those who inhabit contaminated land, but sentences of severe health problems, birth defects and a plethora of problems.
How we fight today determines how we live tomorrow. Do we fight with weapons that not just kill people today but continues to kill a region for lifetimes or do we fight as our forefathers did and work to rebuild what was destroyed but the land remains ok?
We, I thought, here in the US were supposed to set the standards and show humanity and instead what we are demonstrating is that we will not just kill those we want but we will destroy your lands, leave you with severe health issues and subject our own men to unnecessary health risks. The only example to the world we are showing right now is that of greed, destruction and uncaring of anyone. It will come back to us, all things do. Agent Orange, that harmless little defoliant that was just used to take out forests in 'Nam came back to haunt us, as will DU.