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Old 12-05-2004, 06:42 PM   #19 (permalink)
Lennonite Priest
pan6467's Avatar
Location: Mansfield, Ohio USA
Originally Posted by Seaver
Look, I spent many weekends for 4 years straight camping on a bombing range that guess what, used DU ammo. I'm fully healthy. And the whole Gulf War Syndrome isnt caused by DU, otherwise almost the entire military would have problems associated with it. We shoot bullets and drop bombs in the same areas we have our military practice patrols and maneuvers.
Did you drink the water eat food from the ground and live there every day? How long has it been? Is everyone that camped with you healthy?

Cigarettes only give at most 1/3 cancer but there are other health defects that affect almost all smokers that take years to develop.

From what I gathered DU dust doesn't make you instantly sick, it takes time and is based on how long and how much you were exposed to. Also as with anything out there, some people are affected faster some affected in years later and some never affected.

So you are stating everyone in Gulf War I was exposed to DU? And if DU is not the cause of Gulf War Syndrome, what is? (Remember agent Orange, and all it's deviatiationsm were all deemed "safe" by our government and the UN when used in Vietnam). It wasn't until soldiers cam back and all had similar illnesses and went untreated by the military "because they were not proven to be caused from the military" that a group got lawyers and independant doctors to reseqarch and find that indeed Agent Orange were in fact causing illness that the government backed down.

Agent Orange did not affect everyone noticeably or instantly, some people took years to be affected, some gradually had their health deteriorate, it all depended on exposure.

Sounds to me like DU is following the exact footsteps of it's predecessor. You have to ask yourself, if this war is so one sided why take the risk of using something that can cause serious side effects? What makes us better than this supposed "dictator" who killed thousands of his own with chemicals when we have done the same and may quite possibly be doing it again, and the sad fact is we don't need to use DU.

Are you truly willing and supporting the slippery slope of "if the government says it's ok and it's not in my backyard, then we should use whatever it takes to win a war?" Because what happens when the enemy decides to use a more radioactive isotope bullet and weapon? Do we cry foul then or do we need to develop a weapon stronger then? Then they'll develop one stronger then we will have to and so on and so on until we're back to nuke bombs being the end result.

LINKS that verify what I have stated (top 3 more upon request):

There are far too many questions regarding DU dust and the implications on health, and those questions IMO need to be answered before we use them any further. Personally, it's a question of ethics, morals and belief systems and mine is such that just because we are at war we needn't risk the health of our men and the innocent natives and future generations of that land (there are innocents there right? Otherwise who's freedoms are we fighting for in Iraq?)

Just remember dear dear people sitting comfortably in your chairs, that we are very much an aging, greedy, sloven society while the Mid East and Africa are youthful and very much in a starving situation in every way. Very very soon these people who we are showing hatred, anger and teaching destruction to will be the revolutionaries, visionaries and thriving countries that we were until we got greedy. And by the very nature of man they will treat us as we taught them to treat countries that were weaker, bully, demand, and serve as cheap slave labor or be destroyed.
I just love people who use the excuse "I use/do this because I LOVE the feeling/joy/happiness it brings me" and expect you to be ok with that as you watch them destroy their life blindly following. My response is, "I like to put forks in an eletrical socket, just LOVE that feeling, can't ever get enough of it, so will you let me put this copper fork in that electric socket?"
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