HERE is a copy of the song in MIDI form.
Getting it to your phone may be tougher though with Verizon. I am not sure if they have it available on the "Get It Now" servers, but some Verizon phones allow you to transfer ringtones via data cable.
Others (like mine) allow you to send the song from your PC to phone via your vzwpics address, but this incurs a fee of $0.25. I believe 5 ringtones can be sent per message. There are also limitations on size and bitrate.
If this sounds complicated, it is, kind of. I'd recommend first checking Verizon's "Get It Now" and see if it's there. But you will pay a bit more to download a ringtone "officially" from Verizon, as that is one way they make money...
Other providers allow easier transfer of ring tones, wallpapers, etc, to your phone, but Verizon is pretty strict in the sense that they try to have the only "external features" coming from their servers/network.
HERE is a shortened version that should work for a ringtone.