Originally Posted by Medusa99
I'm not a student of Christianity by any means, but Catholicism is the only church I know of that says evolution exists, although not in men? Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.
The UCC has a position affirming evolution...i'm pretty sure others do too.
A quick google, and i have this.
ELCA, UCC, Anglican, PC USA, Catholic, Methodist.
That's a pretty big chunk of the mainlines.
Personally, i'm baptist, and believe evolution to be the most compelling scientific explanation of how life originated on the planet.
Originally Posted by hoosier52
Some Christians would indeed condemn these people on the basis that they havne't accepted Jesus Christ and been born again;
Yes, but. Yes, the bible is clear that we have moral choices, and can be condemned on the basis of those. But. God is a God of grace and mercy. I have rebelled, but fallen short even in that. God's grace has been more than sufficient to bring me back to God. Even as i sin in this life, i am brought again to repentance and to healing mercy. The mercy, the grace has been wilder, freer, and greater than i had ever imagined.
I don't know the fate of souls. But i do know about the mercy, and if it is that mercy that cares for us at our last breath, then we have a whole lot to hope for.