I smoked for 15 years. 3 1/2 years ago I quit cold turkey and have been smoke free ever since. LEt me tell you how I did it.
1. You have to want to. I made the clear and conscious decision to quit smoking. I woke up one day, looked at my family and decided I wanted to live. I could see how much smoking hurt them cause I was hurting myself.
Be disciplined, not half-assed, no excuses.
2. Surround yourself with support - girlfriend, family other friends, clergy, teachers etc. Try to avoid other smokers if you can.
If your friends smoke, get them involved: Start a betting pool, winner take all. Each person contributes so the total pot is $1000 - at the end of the year, whomever is still smoke free takes it. If it's tied, even better, split the pot. If everyone has quit after year split the pot celebrate, you're all winners.
3. Substitute - I snacked on carrots, apples and pretzels when I quit. It helped a lot.
4. Create a stake - I labeled a large jar, "smoke free" with my start date on it.
Since I smoked a pack a day, I would put the money in the jar every day instead. $4.50 (Marlboro Lights in LA). I also kept a calendar so I could "see" the progress.
After a year or so, I took it to the bank. I had approx. $1800 in ones, fives and quarters. The teller thought I was a small merchant! When I told her my story she was so excited and wanted to call her sister to tell her my method. Then she gave me a lollipop. *yay*
I opened an account and may buy a bond or whatever. I really should take the family out, or vacation. Who cares, I've got $1800 that otherwise would have been in the nice deep pockets of big tobacco. and, I am healthier, happier - life is good.
Good luck and spread the word.