30, USA, Male, Computer Engineer...
A Leatherman PST has _always_ either in my pocket or in my hand for the past 7-8 years. I previously carried a medium-sized Victorinox Swiss Army model, but ditched it for lack of useful pliers.
The PST and the Craftsman 41466 (in my other pocket) are about 90% of the tools I need to do my job. The blade is excellent, holds an edge well, the tools are essential.
The Swiss now lives in my suitcase; it's a great thing to have on the road.
The only things I really miss about the Swiss that the PST doesn't offer are the corkscrew and the pop-out tweezers. Neither has a lockback blade, which might be nice.
I wouldn't ever carry "just a knife" - I'm more interested in the tools than the blade - but I also won't give up a really good quality sharp piece of steel.