My Christmas Liqueur Coffee
Well its getting close to Christmas now and the days are growing cold. What i really love to treat myself to around Christmas is a liqueur coffee. The way i make it is to get one of my special liqueur coffee glasses (bought for me one Christmas) and put a couple of spoonfuls of sugar into it with some instant coffee. Then i add a generous tot of my chosen liquor (usually whisky) and pour freshly boiled water in and stir so all the sugar is dissolved and the whole thing is swirling nicely in the glass. Then i get some double cream and drizzle it slowly down the lip of the glass so that it floats on top of the coffee, which has been made slightly more dense by the dissolved sugar in it (thats the secret).
What i'm looking for this year is a really excellent whisky or other liquor to add to my liqueur coffee. I have so far tried Jameson's (for the proper Irish Coffee), Famous Grouse, Glenfiddich, Chiraz Regal and Rum although i can't remember which type. My favourite so far is probably Glenfiddich.
I'm thinking of getting a bottle of the new Welsh whisky, Penderyn, out of curiosity but I'd rather get something that i know i will really enjoy. So does anyone have any suggestions for alternative liquors? And has anyone tried Penderyn yet? Also any suggestions for different types of coffee would be interesting - i usually use either Nescafe or Kenco Gold Blend
There are only two industries that refer to their customers as "users". - Edward Tufte