-age 27
-country of residence USA
-occupation nutrition manager at a grocery store
-sex F
1. Do you own a knife that you carry on your person? I used to carry a small pocket knife on my key chain.
a. If so what type, and what uses does it provide you? Used to use the pocketknife for a variety of uses, it was quite handy. Don't remember the type though.
b. if not, why do you not carry a knife? I have a young son, I wouldn't want him to get it and cut himself.
2. What are the positives about your particular brand, style and shape of your knife? (material, wieght, form, etc) I liked it was small enough to take with me anywhere.
3. what problems do you face with your knife, what would you change if you could about your knife? The only thing I didnt like was it wasn't easy to get closed.