I'm leaning more towards leaving. However, I want to accomplish a few things before I leave.
When I spoke with the owner last night, he asked if there are any reasons for my resignation besides switching schools. I told him yes, but I'd much rather meet with him in person and discuss these matters with him. So I will be meeting with him sometime soon. I intend to try to make the workplace better for those who are already there.
First of all, the quality of the store and its employees. Now, we start kids at $6.75, minimum wage. Doesn't seem too bad, except these kids can literally walk across the street to Big Y, and work at an easier job for $7.35 starting pay. Why should they work for us?
They shouldn't. And they don't. Anyone that might be a worthwhile crewperson walks across the street for more money. So we end up with the idiots who can't get a job at Big Y. I dont know why we hire these kids, but we do. So life is made more difficult for everyone there because these lethargic good-for-nothing kids are just that. Good for NOTHING. If this store were to up its starting pay, we could attract more worthwhile employees. Now, if we have a better crew, they're gonna work harder. If everyone is working harder, and there are no idiots, the crew is gonna be happier. With a happy, hard working crew, the customer is going to leave much more satisfied. When a customer leaves satisfied, they come back. And they bring friends. They tell people they had a great experiene at the local cholesterol distribution center, and more people buy this crap. So, if we would hire good employees, we could in theory make more money.
Its that simple. So I want to accomplish that and a few other things before I leave.
I think Pringles initial intention was to make tennis balls. But on the day that the rubber was supposed to show up, a big truckload of potatoes arrived. But Pringles is a laid back company. They said "Fuck it. Cut em up." -Mitch Hedberg, '68-'05
Bauer's the man.