It doesn't sound like money is going to kill you either way - if that is the case then enjoy yourself for a bit, and find a job closer to school. The extra money won't seem so extra after your gas, tires, and the who-knows-what that is inevitable when you start putting extra miles on a car.
Don't get emotionally attached to a job while in school - it sounds like with your experience you could probably go into a shift manager position in any service industry and make darn close to if not the 10/hr. Your priority should be school first so make it easy on yourself. I had every job you can imagine when in school because I was always trying to accommidate my class schedule, and it was fine. Did everything from working as a bricklayer to transcribing medical records. Best job? Delivering pizza - always walked out of there with at least 10 -12/hr cash in my pocket and free dinner. And this was (ahem) years ago. All I did was drive and listen to music all night... Good luck!
Oft expectation fails...
and most oft there Where most it promises
- Shakespeare, W.