Originally Posted by noblejr
So if he put quotes around it because it dosen't exist, why is he asking for evidence that he has already decided didn't exist? If he was really "not necessarily doing this because [he] believe[s] there will be no positive responses" is sure dosen't sound like it.
I was basically saying that if Lak really wanted the serious replies he says he wanted, he needs to unload his questions. With the quotes and taunt he is just going to discourage those who might actually go look find some sources to link to. I know it discouraged me from looking around the net for some links to post.
Addressing some stuff:
1) The taunt was trying to incite responses, clearly it had the opposite effect in at least one case. My bad.
2) The quotes around "loads of physical evidence" were there because its a quote! The phrase was used by another member in the Creation vs Evolution in School thread. to be fair the exact words may have been "lots of" as opposed to "loads of", but these are not scare quotes, they're actual quotes. I shall look it up presently.
3) Yes, I (almost) expect no evidence to surface. But I would really, REALLY like some to. So in closing
- Yes, I beleive there is no evidence BUT
- No, I'm not just trying to prove a point.
I hope that has clarified my motives and my question and I apologise for not being clear in the first instance.
- Lak