Like jalora I don't think I'm the guy you're after but perhaps any answer helps.
Basic Information (if you do not want to give this input, your welcome not to)
-age - 21
-country of residence - Australia
-occupation - Student
-sex - Male
1. Do you own a knife that you carry on your person? No
b. if not, why do you not carry a knife? I don't think we should be carrying weapons around with us, I don't need a weapon at the supermarket and I believe that if we have a perceived need for knives the police force should be beefed up and crime should be punished more harshly to cancel out that need.
If you're talking about more utility knives like Swiss Army knives for handy-man things, then I don't carry one because nothing I do in my days requires one, I have scissors or a kitchen knife on hand and not since my days in Boy Scouts have I thought 'I could really do with a Swiss Army knife right now.' So my reason would be that I don't have a use for a knife.