It doesn't matter.
If you didn't like Barry Bonds before this only confirms the fact that he's a scumbag.
If you do like him you can cling on to the "but they weren't illegal" or my personal favorite "but he didn't know they were steroids" and he still retains the "greatness" that is Barry Bonds now and forever.
I've had a lot of discussions with a lot of baseball fans over the years and I have never run across anyone who was in the middle of the road concerning Barry Bonds. They either thought he could walk on water or he was pity party, shit-talking freak with a ginormous head. I seriously doubt just because we "discovered" he was on steroids it's going to change anyone's opinion of him.
I find it hard to believe that Barry Bonds, who I've heard is fanatical about how he trains and what he uses, would pick up the "cream" and "clear" package and use it without knowing full well what was in them. He's been preaching for years about how hard he works and how careful he is concerning his training. You tell me he's going to take some strange substance with a name he can't seem to remember just because it was given to him by a "friend." Again, I find that a bit hard to believe.
I don't care if they slap an asterisk by his name or not. The fact of the matter is Barry Bonds has no charisma. It doesn't matter if he breaks Aaron's record or not. Who do you think people are going to remember? Just recall if you will the single season home run record of McGuire's that he broke. McGuire was on performance enhancing products when he broke Roger's record and it didn't seem to matter to anybody. Folks just seemed to like Mark better. Fast forward a few years later to when Bonds breaks it. Sure the sports media covered it ad naseum, but my recollection is nobody cared much. People just don't seem to like him.
He may hold the records in the big old book, but in baseball, or rather in how people remember the game and it's players, the records don't seem to matter as much.
I've typed too much already and for those of you who stuck it out, thanks.
For those who can't be bothered to read it all I will sum up my feelings such as they are with...
Boy, am I shocked and/or appalled that Barry Bonds was using steroids. Gawrsh, I had not an inkling and never suspected.