C'mon, that's just O'Reilly doing some more of his patented spinning. Its an absolute joke.
Bush wants to give money to all Americans, huh? So why is it that the Republicans voted down a Democrat proposal, whose only difference was a reduction in the cut for the top 1%. Bush's tax cut would give over $400 billion dollars, or 44% of the total tax cut, to that 1%. So does Bush really care about all Americans, or just that 1%.
Why does O'Reilly give the $53K mark? To make more people feel like they are paying their unfair share. What he doesn't mention is that people who make about $90K pay about 60% So if you make between 53K and 90K, you're only paying about 20%, which is just a little more than the 25K to 53K bracket pays.
Don't get me started on the flat tax or national sales tax.
By the way, this thread would probably be better in the politics forum.