Originally Posted by THGL
Even though it's a hassle to get 2 children (18mo. & 3mo.) into the backseat of a 2-door Blazer, my wife prefers it to the Volvo because she's feels safer in it. Because she sits higher she has a more commanding view of what's ahead, the Blazer is 4WD so in winter months the added safety is there, and because the Blazer is still a truck she and the children are a little safer in some wreck scenerios (she's been rear-ended in the Blazer when she was 7mo. pregnant and all we had to do was replace the bumper and she and all babies were fine).
This I will never understand about women (no offense to your wife or any SUV driving women). Although a Volvo is much more manuverable and has a roll cage (even though the Blazer does great in a wreck, I'm sure), they would rather have a big ass SUV so when they get in a wreck, the Miata or Focus or Metro that they rear end while talking on their cell phone will be more or less stuck to the bottom of the SUV.
That being said, I don't see what's so great about an SUV. They are more dangerous, cost just as much, use more gas, are harder to drive, and are slower than most mid-priced sports cars. Plus, you can haul more in a pick-up truck. They're usually driven by people who don't use their mirrors to begin with, which means they'll be even more dangerous because they are more vital in a bigger automobile. The fact that they are now being sold with rear-facing cameras just reinforces that. On top of it all, they increase the demand for refined crude oil, which drives up gas prices for us all.