I will get another job, but they seem to be scarce around here in the winter, since a good deal of them involve farms and tobacco/horse growth, which don't happen much in the winter. Anyway, this is just a thread to vent about your job. I'm not really complaining, I'm just trying to talk about those little things that annoy me about my job. I usually turn them into little comedic bits with my friends, but I'm afraid that I've been writing these too late to be funny with them.
Another little bit about my job:
-This town is about 80% old people, and good heavens, they're almost all fitting the old person stereotype well. It's so funny to carry groceries out and talk about the weather all day, and sometimes it's actually fun. Another thing about this area is that it is the only place in the world where it is more acceptable to blow cigarette smoke in a baby's face than it is to have a beer (the fact that our store doesn't offer alcohol but sells more cigs than anything else just backs that statement up well). What's really funny about that is that all kinds of different people smoke. I see sweet little old ladies buy a pack of Virginia Slims Super Slims or Misty Ultra Light 130's and cant help but chuckle. I've ascertained that certian brands attract certian types of people, for example, (don't take offense if I name your brand):
Wave - White trash, mostly women.
Kool - Black people
Camel - Old men and the more well to do.
Viceroy/Lucky Strikes - Bikers and ZZ Top fans.
Marlboro (insert type here) - Pretty much everybody else.
-I play a kind of game where I guess which car belongs to the customer before we get there. More often than not, I'm right.
-I'm pretty well known in the community, so I can't do anything too stupid.
"I'm telling you, we need to get rid of a few people or a million."