that depends, working at blockbuster, cashiering, or bussing tables(not serving) doesnt require experience. Serving, something related to his major, and maybe retail sales does.
Being a dishwasher no experience needed.. there are buckets of general labor jobs that dont require experience. Im stuck in the boat of I have 2 AS degrees, on my way to my 1st BS and I cant find a decent paying job in my field because Im unable to work the hours they like.(I go to school 7-5 tues and thurs) and mon/wed I cant be anywhere till at least 11am. My job now is ok(not great not horrible either) so Im going to stay there, work on my experience, get paid and keep going to school so that I can do something with my life.
if you hate your job theres bound to be an ice cream shop, internet cafe, blockbuster type place that will hire you.