Originally Posted by tisonlyi
Desperate, scared people in desperate, scary situations do desperate, scary things.
True enough, however, unless this is taking place in a country where abortion is not legal, or easily accessible, and that doesn't sound like that's the case, the situation isn't as desperate as she thinks, if she would open her eyes and think clearly.
Originally Posted by tisonlyi
Why should a 20 year old be so terrified of telling her parents she got pregnant that she's willing to drink herself into a medical situation to try and 'deal'?
If she lives at home, with her parents, and is afraid to tell them, honestly an abortion would be a lot easier to hide and a lot safer than drinking herself into a coma and a miscarriage.
Choice is generally the crux of the abortion debate, that a person is entitled to do whatever tehy want with their body. She is clearly making that choice by choosing to drink herself into a miscarriage, however, the abortion is what she wants, but it's like she won't make the choice to have one herself, and she'd rather do all sorts of things to have nature take it's course, avoiding that decision.
If this person just said "I'm pregnant, I don't want to be, I'm going have an abortion", there'd be a few cries of baby killer, but most folks would be supportive of her choice. This is different, because we know drinking herself not pregnant might not cause an abortion, but we do know that drinking during pregnancy, especially at the levels she is talking about, does cause birth defects.