Originally Posted by MrSelfDestruct
Economically, Sweden is a short step from Socialism. They have the strongest welfare state in existance (judging by the information I gathered last semester for several reports,) but in order to do that, everyone is taxed very heavily. If you believe in high taxes, government handouts, and a socialized economy, Sweden is the place for you. If, like me, you're a Libertarian (or if you're economically conservative,) run away from Sweden.
Yes, we have high taxes here, on the other hand that means free university education, free healthcare and such things americans (For instance) pay a lot for. My girlfriend is from the US, and I do believe that if you summed up what americans pay for taxes, insurance, healthcare and so on compared to our swedish taxes, we don't pay that much more actually. Not that I think Sweden is perfect in any way, but we're doing pretty well...