Well, hey, this is what happens when society isn't ready to control who has kids and isn't.
I mean, you need a driver's license...
Really, people, I'm disgusted as you are, but I see the solution differently.
We have enough space in the US to allow random population expansion. If we were Chinese or Indian, we'd have much different opinions on birth rates, for sure.
Societies advance, and they change. We realize birth control is fucked up and out of control. Any one with a working dick and pussy to put together can have kids. Everyone is disgusted by the situation, but no one is willing to say "you know what? you obviously can't handle this. When you've proven you can, you can have control back." to society.
I mean, fer cryin out loud, you END the whole abortion debate if you decide: "you know what, you're stupid, you're NOT allowed to get pregnant (for women), nor are you allowed to GET someone pregnent (for men)."
Now, I know, I know, giving the state that level of control over a human's body is a new, fucked up, idea. But, listen, you've got 50 percent of America thinking abortion is cool. You've got 50 thinking it's the worse thing ever. If you're not getting someone, or getting pregnant, before proving your worth, then that debate is over.
I mean, my wife and I are scared to have kids. We make $60k+ a year, we live in a brand-three week old-new 3 bedroom 1588sq foot home. We drive two 2004 model year vehicles. You'd think we'd feel we can care properly for a child. But, I wonder about that! We're both intimidated as hell by the responsibility kids present. When we have a child, we HOPE we'll care for it well. But, will we? God I hope so.
I'd hope other parents care for thier children as well, but it's obvious that's not happening. What's scarey, is that we allow it to happen, and we'll continue to allow it to happen until society as a whole sets down some motherfucking RULES for who can have kids, and how they're cared for, and enforces them.
Obviously, people can't handle it.
We take away kids toys when they can't care for them...
I can sum up the clash of religion in one sentence:
"My Invisible Friend is better than your Invisible Friend."