I went on an organized trip a few years back with my college, and Canada to US customs was quite interesting. Getting into the US took about an hour because the customs officer first had to GET to our bus, and then she finally came on. She checked every single person, and had to check citizenship in the computer or something of people who were not Canadian citizens (they were British).
Getting back into Canada however, was actually pretty humorous as it was really a stereotypical site to see. The Canadian customs offcer came on with his Tim Horton's coffee, walked up the steps of the bus, and said, "Are you all Canadian?" After everyone responded 'yes!', he said "Hope you had a good trip!", then walked off the bus and we were on our way. It was funny and scary at the same time.
Oh, and this was AFTER 9/11.
Through counter-intelligence, it should be possible to pinpoint potential trouble makers, and neutralize them.