The laws we abide are simply there. Sure you can say they come from some God, but that's not really an answer, more of a choice to stop asking the question at certain point - something along the line of yelling "IT JUST IS!" to a seven year old who keeps asking "why?"
As for free will? We have the freedom to play our part in the universe. Doest cost a cent, in fact it was given to us at no charge. Well leased really, and it expires in some eighty years if we take care of ourselves.
Now you can’t do whatever you want because that would require you to have influence over the whole universe, but alas it is the universe, which has influence over us.
And I hate to sound like Deep Thought here but you can’t give an answer if you don’t have a question. The problem with “free will”, along with many other philosophical concepts, is that it’s nonsensical. What is a free action? Is it when we do something without being influenced by anything else? That would make us completely random and chaotic. Doesn’t work.
Every action and reaction is a consequence of something and that gives our lives meaning; it enables us to make sense of it all – wait no it doesn’t, well just ignore this last bit, ignorance is bliss – wait no it isn’t, er…