Originally Posted by Michael_Hale
I decided to install Fedora Core 2 the other day. Its not a good idea if your going to dual boot. In my experince, Fedora Core 2 changes the hard drive from LBA to CHS, causing Windows to not work. I installed SuSe and its pretty easy to use. Just have fun with the Geforce Drivers.
There is a way to fix this so you don't have to reinstall. I've seen it before... just google "Fedora Core 2 Dual Booting".. it'll come up.
Also, NVidia has it's own (binary) distribution of drivers that is much better than the xorg/XFree ones. You run the install program as root (outside of Xwindows), and then edit your xorg/XFree config file to use this new driver it created and voila.. good drivers for your GeForce